Small logo of ETH main building ETH Zurich : Computer Science : Pervasive Computing : Distributed Systems : Research : BTnodes

BTnodes - A Distributed Environment for Prototyping Ad-Hoc Networks

A Research Demo of the Distributed Systems Group

The BTnode is an autonomous wireless communication and computing platform based on a Bluetooth radio and a microcontroller. It serves as a demonstraton platform for research in mobile and ad hoc connected networks (MANETs) and distributed sensor networks. The BTnode has been jointly developed by the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK) and the Research Group for Distributed Systems at ETH Zurich. The BTnode is primarily used in two major research projects: NCCR-MICS and Smart-Its.

More information is available at the BTnodes Homepage.

This demo was created in January 2004.

See also the following related items:

Selected Publications

See the Publications of the Distributed Systems Group page for a full listing of our publications.

Related Student Projects

The following table lists corresponding student projects in our group. Note that some descriptions will be in German.

S Koubachi - Überwachung von Zimmerpflanzen mittels Sensorknoten Christoph BäniPhilipp Bolliger,
Benedikt Ostermaier
SS 07
S Effizienter Firmware-Update in Sensornetzen Ronney MeierJonas Wolf,
Matthias Ringwald
HS 07
S Implementation und Test eines Ad-hoc-Routingprotokolls für das Chipcon-Interface der BTnodes Florian SchützBenedikt OstermaierSS 06
M Inspektion von Sensornetzen Marc CortesiMatthias RingwaldSS 06
M Implementierung und Evaluation eines neuen Medienzugriffsverfahren für Sensornetze Michael KaufmannMatthias RingwaldWS 05/06
S Smart-Its Friends: Intuitives Smart-Object Management Thierry Buecheler,
Lukas Oertle
Silvia Santini,
Christian Frank,
Marc Langheinrich
SS 05
S Inspektion von Sensornetzen per PDA Mustafa YuecelMatthias RingwaldSS 05
S BTnode WebServer Mathias PayerMatthias RingwaldSS 04
S Mobile Phone Based Remote Control for the Smart Vacuum Cleaner Michael BürgeSvetlana DomnitchevaSS 04
S MP3 enabled BTnode Luc BurdetHarald VogtSS 04
S Attentive Cleaning Robot Markus SauterSvetlana DomnitchevaSS 04
P NCCR-Internship BTnode Development Ankur AgiwalMatthias RingwaldSS 04
S Simulation mobiler Ad-hoc-Netze mit Hilfe autonomer Lego Mindstorms Roboter Nicolas BurriMatthias RingwaldWS 03/04
D Smoblets - Java-Code auf aktiven Tags zur Interaktion mit smarten Gegenständen Tobias KrauerFrank SiegemundWS 03/04
D Generierung von Kontextinformationen in Umgebungen kooperierender smarter Alltagsgegenstände Pascal KellerFrank SiegemundWS 03/04
S Implementierung eines verteilten Tuplespace für Smart-Its unbekanntFrank SiegemundSS 03
S BTnode Dial-In-Kommunikation Daniel KaeppeliOliver KastenWS 02/03
D Implementierung des Bluetooth Protokoll Stacks für Smart-Its Urs BaerOliver KastenSS 02
ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated January 1 1970 01:00:00 AM MET ko