Small logo of ETH main building ETH Zurich : Computer Science : Pervasive Computing : Distributed Systems : Research : SNIF

SNIF - Sensor Network Inspection Framework

A Research Project of the Distributed Systems Group

The goal of this project is to provide a framework for passive observation and inspection of deployed Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). It consists of a distributed sniffer, a new package description language and a data stream engine with multiple operators. The distributed sniffer is used to overhear the radio communication of the WSN. Using a data-stream-based analysis framework, parts of the nodes' internal state can be inferred and monitored to help debugging and optimizing of the application.

The distributed sniffer is implemented using an additional deployment-support network (DSN). We are using a generic receive-only MAC layer on the BTnode sensor node to overhear WSN traffic. The collected messages are pre-processed and sent to the DSN sink over the Bluetooth radio interface. For Bluetooth networking, the JAWS infrastructure is used.

Our new package description language allows the generic description and decoding of encapsulated data structures and is based on the C programming language already used for the WSN application development.

The data-stream analysis framework contains both standard data-stream operators such as Mapper, ArrayIterator (to process array elements in data structures), Union, Filter and TimeWindowAggregator (calculates aggregate over elements within a time interval) and specific operators that deals with various WSN specific issues such as the reconstruction of the sender IDs, the validation of sequence numbers and the analysis of multi-hop paths and network partition detection.


Source code can be downloaded from Google Code.

See also the following related items:

Selected Publications

See the Publications of the Distributed Systems Group page for a full listing of our publications.

ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated January 1 1970 01:00:00 AM MET ko