CALL FOR PAPERS (download in A4, Letter or plain text format)
Ubiquitous Computing, with its promise of pervasive and invisible sensing, extensive and persistent data storage, and intensive data mining and usage, has the potential to become a serious threat to personal privacy. Privacy-enhancing solutions in technical, social, and legal areas are needed to guide the development of Ubiquitous Computing in a socially acceptable direction. Since 2002, the workshop on Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing has focused on these issues as part of the UbiComp conference series. It has since become one of the primary sources for privacy research in Ubiquitous Computing.
The 2007 workshop will be grouped around three themes: technology, users, and policy. Renowned experts have agreed to summarize the current state-of-the-art in the respective areas and will present concise summaries for several relevant subtopics. This call solicits short research contributions and position papers that complement these summaries to present late-breaking work and novel discussion points in each of these areas. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Technology Challenges
- RFID Privacy: What are the latest developments for protecting RFID-tags from unobserved scanning? What safeguards need to be considered for an RFID-infrastructure (i.e., with a view to the envisioned EPCglobal network)? Can such solutions be economically feasible?
- Location Privacy: How can we protect privacy in location-based services? How can concepts such as k-anonymity and location granularity be used in practice? Are there economic models that support anonymous location systems?
- Sensor Networks: Will sensor networks raise privacy issues, and how can these be alleviated? Are there technical options for balancing the need for realistic measurements with individual privacy in such systems? What domains will benefit most from such solutions?
The User Perspective
- Usable Privacy and Security: How can we design usable privacy interfaces in Ubiquitous Computing? Is explicit control an option, or should intelligent agents manage our privacy on our behalf?
- User Concerns and Empirical Studies: What are the latest insights into user perception of privacy in Ubiquitous Computing environments? How do users react to privacy enhancing technologies, and do they trust them? What steps must be taken, if any, to educate users?
Legal and Policy Issues
- What challenges does Ubiquitous Computing pose for privacy protection in Europe, the U.S., and worldwide? Are there first indicators/cases that illustrate future legal issues? How should policy balance privacy, security, and accountability in a world of smart devices? Is there a need for additional legislation/regulation?
Workshop Format and Submission Instructions
This workshop will last for 1 full day and will be open to all (pending
registration) to enable lively and productive discussions. Participants may
submit position papers or short research notes. Papers should be no more than 6
pages (letter or A4 size) including references, using the Springer
two-column journal
format. LaTeX templates are available directly from the Springer website:
Make sure that you download both the svjour2.cls and
svglov2.clo class files. An example document can be found in
template.tex. There is no official Word-template available at the
moment - if you cannot use LaTeX, please contact the organizers!
submissions will be reviewed by an international program
committee and selected based on their originality, credibility, and
topical relevance. Accepted submissions will be published in the UbiComp
Adjunct Proceedings and their authors invited to the workshop for
presentations. Selected submissions will also be
considered for publication in a special issue of the Springer
journal "Personal and Ubiquitous
The workshop will be organized around the 3 major themes identified above: Technology, Users, and Policy. Each theme/subtheme will include a summary-presentation of an invited speaker, presenting the state-of-the-art and open problems in the respective field. This is then followed by short presentations of several corresponding position papers. Coffee breaks and lunch will serve as opportunities for informal discussion.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format on or before June 8, 2007 (see formatting instructions above!) to sspiek AT Notification of acceptance will be sent out by July 2, 2007. Accepted papers will be made accessible on the workshop website.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline (workshop position papers): June 8, 2007 (deadline extended)
Acceptance Notification (workshop position papers): July 2, 2007
Camera-Ready Version Due (accepted papers): July 13, 2007
Workshop: September 16, 2007
Workshop History
This workshop builds on four previous workshops at UbiComp run by some of the current organizers: The first workshop was
titled "Socially-Informed Design of Privacy-Enhancing Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing"
at UbiComp 2002 in Gothenburg, the second was "UbiComp communities: Privacy as boundary negotiation"
at UbiComp 2003 in Seattle, the third was "UbiComp Privacy: Current Status and Future Directions" at UbiComp 2004 in Nottingham, and the last was Ubicomp Privacy: Privacy in Context at UbiComp 2005 in Tokyo.
We also welcome cross-pollination from participants in past UbiComp workshops on related topics such as intimacy, commerce, healthcare, security, face-to-face interaction, and urban spaces.