ETH Zurich :
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Events :
Dagstuhl Ubicomp
Dagstuhl Ubicomp - Plenary Session
Friday, 11:30 - 12:00
Summer School
Friedemann presented the idea of a summer school. It would currently be
scheduled for August 10-20, 2002, in Dagstuhl. Targets are PhD students and
industry. If people though this would be a good idea, we would need lecturers,
possible funding from industry for lecturer's travel cost. It would be over
the weekend, so one could have social events on the weekends. It could also
include workshops, hands-on experiences, not only lectures.
Jean noted that industry and PhD students could have very different goals.
Industry might not want to spend all the 10 days, but instead offer specific
topics where industry can come in for half a day or a full day. Another
possibility would by to have 2 days at the end reserved for industry. Bernt
agreed that a special industry day might be good, since topics for PhD students
might be too specific for industry. Friedemann concurred, attendees from
industry could still attend PhD student sessions if they're interested.
Jean asked if there would be any funding for PhD students, especially if they
wanted to come from the US. Friedemann said he could try to find funding for
European/German students, and also try to find funding for US students with the
help of someone over there. Dagstuhl promised to have very low rates, and most
speakers from academia might only need travel refunds. But still, these are bad
times for industry so funding from industry might be a problem. Maybe the
industry day(s) might pay for PhD part.
Joe remarked that for US industry location in Europe might be too costly. It
might be a possibility to have this in combination with a major conference.
Joelle suggested contacting the disappearing computer initiative for some
funding. Jean remarked that both CHI and ACM are preparing "tutorials to go",
where they go out and give tutorials, or videotape them for wider
dissemination. She promised to investigate.
Anind asked about the number of students that could participate? Friedemann
thought that more than 60 or 70 attendees might not make much sense. Some rooms
at Dagstuhl are for two people, so students could share these. Friedemann will
send out an email about this in a month or so, solicitating input for
the number of lectures we should offer, also getting feedback from people who
would like to present something, or even would like to help organize this. Any
support is welcome.
Elgar asked which Journals exist, or are in the process of being initiated. We
started to assemble a list of publications that people know about and are
publishing in.
Next, we started to assemble a list of important conferences in the field of
ubiquitous computing:
- Ubicomp (1999-2000 HUC, 2001
- Pervasive Computing, NIST,
since 1999 (invitation only, industry focus, may change in the future)
- Pervasive 2002 Zurich
- CSCW (2002 will also focus
on mediation in entertainment, etc, not only workplace.)
- Wearable
- Perceptual User Interfaces
- Mobicom (IEEE), Mobicomp-App
- DARE (Augmented Reality)
- DIS (Designing Interactive Systems, ACM Conference)
- WMCSA (every 2 years, "Wearable and Mobile Computer Systems and
- ISAR (International Symposium on Augmented Reality)
- MobiHoc
- IMC (held in rostock every other year, might be discontinued)
- Mobile HCI (so far a Workshop, but probably a 3-day symposium soon)
- AAAI Spring/Fall
Symposia. Different Focuses, but might be relevant.
First three conferences are broadly applied to ubicomp. Others are much more
specialized. What about Workshops? Dagstuhl only every two years, must be
planned 1.5 years in advance (invitation only).
PLAY's list of conference
attendance, as well as the list maintained by Anind
at Georgia Tech (he confesses it has been neglected a bit recently), are
also excellent pointers to conferences in the field.
Scribe: Marc Langheinrich