Small logo of ETH main building ETH Zurich : Computer Science : Pervasive Computing : Distributed Systems : Research : Events : Dagstuhl Ubicomp

Dagstuhl Ubicomp - Abstract

Interaction in UbiComp: Pirates! and Informative Art

Lars Erik Holmquist, PLAY research studio, Sweden

In this talk, I describe two applications that implement novel interaction techniques for ubiquitous computing. "Pirates!" is a mobile context-aware game developed jointly by the PLAY research group and Nokia Research. The game is played on hand-held computers with proximity sensing. To play the game, users must walk around in the physical play area, in order to engage in combat with other players, find islands with treasure, etc. "Informative Art" uses the visual language of modern art, in particular non-figurative painting, to create dynamic information displays. For instance, a projection display reminiscent of the dutch painter Mondrian's work is in fact a weather display, showing the current weather conditions in six different cities around the world. Together, these projects indicate new ways of using space, mobility and visual media in ubiquitous computing.


ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated June 20 2023 01:45:17 PM MET ml