ETH Zurich :
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Dagstuhl Ubicomp
Dagstuhl Ubicomp - Abstract
Resource-Adaptive Navigation Systems
Antonio Krüger, University of Saarland, Germany
Pedestrian navigation systems have to take into account not only the cognitive
resources of the user, but also the differing technical constraints of the
devices that are used to access navigational way descriptions. The presented
work describes the REAL-System that is a hybrid navigation system, consisting
of two parts: the indoor-navigation system IRREAL and the outdoor version
ARREAL. Both systems try to adept their (especially graphical) presentations to
the user's speed, spatial familiarity and goals. Whereas IRREAL works with an
infrastructure of custom-made infrared senders, the ARREAL system relies on GPS
and an electronic compass to determine its position. Experiences and Results of
both approaches are discussed.