ETH Zurich :
Computer Science :
Pervasive Computing :
Distributed Systems :
Education :
Student Projects :
CardCube: An intuitive interaction device for table games (S)Status: Abgeschlossen
While the SmartPlayingCards project allows people to seamlessly make use of advanced technology while playing regular card games, some game functionality still needs a separate input channel (e.g., announcing trump color, raising the games stakes). In order to facilitate such data input, the CardCube project should investigate the use of a small dice-like cube that allows players to declare certain game parameter simply by placing the correct face onto the table.
The CardCube should be realized using the BTNode wireless sensor node platform in order to incorporate active sensors into the cube, e.g., for detecting its orientation, and to communicate this information to the main system via Bluetooth. Optionally, the cube might be able to provide feedback about the current system state back to the user, or even dynamicaly alter its sides (using LCD panels) in order to provide a richer set of options without the need for 10 or more sides (i.e., only the currently relevant options are presented on the various cube faces, given the current game state).
Student/Bearbeitet von: Alex Suciu, Patrick Groth Contact/Ansprechpartner: Marc Langheinrich