ETH Zurich :
Computer Science :
Pervasive Computing :
Distributed Systems :
Education :
Student Projects :
Towards RESTful embedded devices - loosely coupled sensing devices to face real-world challenges (M)Status: Abgeschlossen
The REST architectural principle focuses on avoiding application state, the components of ubiquitous applications are represented using URI-identified resources. All interactions between components contain the necessary state information, so that servers do not need to maintain state information. Such a loose coupling will allow the development of scalable networks of heterogenous devices which can be easily integrate with other applications. The goal of this project is to develop a REST-like interface to communicate between a set of low-power devices and web browsers, where all the communication between sensors should be communicated be based on REST principles (data and state encoded in the URI).
Evaluate the use of a REST mechanism to communicate data and commands to interact with small physical devices.
Implement a REST interface on a low power device (Sun SPOTs), using java
Implement a simple Web interface with Ruby on Rails (or any other preferred web scripting language) that can communicate with the physical devices
Student/Bearbeitet von: Samuel Wieland Contact/Ansprechpartner: Vlad Trifa