ETH Zurich :
Computer Science :
Pervasive Computing :
Distributed Systems :
Education :
Student Projects :
Smart Playing Cards with Smart Glasses (B)Status: Abgeschlossen
Card games such as Jass require the players to count their points during the game to determine the current leader. It is often difficult for beginners to keep track of all the rules, the current game state and the remaining cards. The usual method for beginners is to play with open cards while an appointed player helps as an expert but this ruins the game experience.
The purpose of this work is to develop a digital aid in form of a smart glass app that aids beginners by automatically tracking the game state and showing it to the user. An RFID-instrumented Jass table from a former student project is available at the institute. The goal of this thesis is to extend the existing prototype with a smart glass user interface. The current game state can be determined either via the old RFID tags or by visual recognition of the cards. Experiments with a Google Glass camera and/or an external camera have to be conducted to determine whether visual recognition of multiple cards simultaneously is feasible.
Student/Bearbeitet von: Michael Franz Contact/Ansprechpartner: Gábor Sörös