ETH Zurich :
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Student Projects :
Sharing Control Interfaces for Smart Environments (M)Status: Abgeschlossen
Connecting personal devices, sensor networks and smart appliances in an Internet of Things and interacting with such smart devices has been in the attention of researchers for a while. However, no study so far investigated access control needs and potential control and sharing mechanisms in such smart environments. In a Web of connected devices, any household appliance could act as a control or input interface for another device. For example, when using the smart phone to set a wake-up call, one might want to use the same interface to also program the coffee machine with one's favorite morning coffee. While comfortably watching TV in the living room, one might simply reach for the remote control to check the status of the washing machine situated in the basement.
Given the multitude of interconnected devices, new interaction models and interfaces are needed, that beyond standard menu selection. For example, drawing specific patterns with the smart phone in the air might serve to send instructions to a smart appliance. Shaking the audio station's remote control and the smart phone together might serve to mix or synchronize the music collections on both devices.
Finally, with devices connected to the Internet, users might want to grant read and control permissions for their friends and family. Resources to share could range from embedded sensors, such as ambient temperature and light readings, to smart appliances and to digital devices, such as music players, picture cameras, laptops and desktops. For example, one might want to share the energy consumption of their household devices with their friends on social network sites such as Facebook in a mutual support group for energy saving.
In such an interconnected physical world, the need for easy to use, privacy-preserving, control mechanisms is becoming prominent. The main goal of this thesis is to design and evaluate new interaction models and control interfaces for physical devices. At the outset, this thesis shall investigate users' control and sharing needs in an Internet of Things. Student/Bearbeitet von: Jacob Bjurströmer Walser Contact/Ansprechpartner: Iulia Ion