ETH Zürich

Department of Computer Science
Distributed Systems Group

Fachseminar Ubiquitous Computing SS2000:

Information appliances and infrastructure for smart devices
Nils Månsson


What's an information appliance? Does it have to be small? Does it have to be portable? Can it be on the desk? Is a small hand-held computer an information appliance? Is a browser for the home television set an information appliance? The definition of an information appliance will be discussed as well as demands, tradeoffs and visions.

Several examples of information appliances will be given. Some of them like the digital camera and the car guidance system do already exist and some like the home medical advisor and the eyeglass camera don't. Only when all these appliances can communicate with each other as well as with all other electronic devices, we'll see real benefits. The vision is a common infrastructure that helps developing and connecting information appliances.

Today there are several competing technologies, as for example Jini, Chai, Hive and UPnP. These will be covered, as well some research projects using these technologies.

Written notes: [.pdf]

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