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BibTeX Entry
BibTeX Entry 'soeroesg-uist2014-inairgestures'
author = "Jie Song and G{\'a}bor S{\"o}r{\"o}s and Fabrizio Pece and Sean Fanello and Shahram Izadi and Cem Keskin and Otmar Hilliges",
title = "In-air Gestures Around Unmodified Mobile Devices",
note = "Other files: Talk, Video",
year = "2014",
month = oct,
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 27th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST 2014), Honolulu, Hawaii",
pages = "319--329",
publisher = "ACM"
The above is an automatically generated BibTeX-entry for the publication
below. Please let the author(s) know if you find any mistakes.
- Jie Song, Gábor Sörös, Fabrizio Pece, Sean Fanello, Shahram Izadi, Cem Keskin, Otmar Hilliges
In-air Gestures Around Unmodified Mobile Devices.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST 2014), Honolulu, Hawaii. ACM, pp. 319-329, October 2014
Abstract, BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)
Other files: Talk, Video