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BibTeX Entry 'online98'

    author = "Stefan F{\"u}nfrocken",
    editor = "Stefan J{\"a}hnichen",
    title = "Mobile Agenten im Internet",
    booktitle = {Proceedings der Online'98 Congressmesse, 16-19, Symposium VI-1 "Internet Computing: Kollaboratives Arbeiten im Internet auf der Basis von Java Applets"},
    year = "1998",
    month = feb,
    address = "Online'98 Congressband VI, C611"

The above is an automatically generated BibTeX-entry for the publication below. Please let the author(s) know if you find any mistakes.

  • Stefan Fünfrocken
    Mobile Agenten im Internet.
    In: Stefan Jähnichen (Ed.): Proceedings der Online'98 Congressmesse, 16-19, Symposium VI-1 "Internet Computing: Kollaboratives Arbeiten im Internet auf der Basis von Java Applets". Online'98 Congressband VI, C611, February 1998
    BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)

ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated June 20 2023 01:44:45 PM MET webvs