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BibTeX Entry 'iion-chi2010'

    author = "Michelle L. Mazurek and J. P. Arsenault and Joanna Bresee and Nitin Gupta and Iulia Ion and Christina Johns and Daniel Lee and Yuan Liang and Jenny Olsen and Brandon Salmon and Richard Shay and Kami Vaniea and Lujo Bauer and Lorrie Faith Cranor and Gregory R. Ganger and Michael K. Reiter",
    title = "Access Control for Home Data Sharing: Attitudes, Needs and Practices",
    year = "2010",
    month = apr,
    booktitle = "Proceedings of CHI 2010",
    address = "Atlanta, Georgia, USA",
    pages = "645--654"

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ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated June 20 2023 01:44:45 PM MET webvs