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BibTeX Entry
BibTeX Entry 'hvogt:tspuc:2005'
author = "Harald Vogt",
title = "Small Worlds and the Security of Ubiquitous Computing",
year = "2005",
month = jun,
booktitle = "First International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing (TSPUC 2005): Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2005)",
address = "Taormina, Sicily, Italy",
pages = "593--597",
publisher = "IEEE CS"
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below. Please let the author(s) know if you find any mistakes.
- Harald Vogt
Small Worlds and the Security of Ubiquitous Computing.
First International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing (TSPUC 2005): Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2005). IEEE CS, pp. 593-597, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, June 2005
Abstract, BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)