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BibTeX Entry
BibTeX Entry 'boligph:loca:2009'
author = "Philipp Bolliger and Kurt Partridge and Maurice Chu and Marc Langheinrich",
editor = "Aaron Quigley and Tanzeem Choudhury",
title = "Improving Location Fingerprinting through Motion Detection and Asynchronous Interval Labeling",
booktitle = "Fourth International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2009), 7-8 May 2009, Tokyo, Japan",
month = may,
year = "2009",
series = "LNCS",
volume = "5561",
publisher = "Springer",
address = "Berlin Heidelberg New York"
The above is an automatically generated BibTeX-entry for the publication
below. Please let the author(s) know if you find any mistakes.
- Philipp Bolliger, Kurt Partridge, Maurice Chu, Marc Langheinrich
Improving Location Fingerprinting through Motion Detection and Asynchronous Interval Labeling.
In: Aaron Quigley, Tanzeem Choudhury (Eds.): Fourth International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2009), 7-8 May 2009, Tokyo, Japan. LNCS, Vol. 5561, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, May 2009
Abstract, BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)