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BibTeX Entry
BibTeX Entry 'kim:seamless:2012'
author = "Ji Eun Kim and George Boulos and John Yackovich and Tassilo Barth and Christian Beckel and Daniel Mosse",
title = "Seamless Integration of Heterogeneous Devices and Access Control in Smart Homes",
year = "2012",
month = jun,
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2012)",
address = "Guanajuato, Mexico",
pages = "206--213"
The above is an automatically generated BibTeX-entry for the publication
below. Please let the author(s) know if you find any mistakes.
- Ji Eun Kim, George Boulos, John Yackovich, Tassilo Barth, Christian Beckel, Daniel Mosse
Seamless Integration of Heterogeneous Devices and Access Control in Smart Homes.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2012). pp. 206-213, Guanajuato, Mexico, June 2012
Abstract, BibTeX, Paper (.pdf)