ETH Zurich :
Computer Science :
Pervasive Computing :
Distributed Systems :
Events :
WSN Summer School
Summer School on Wireless Sensor Networks and Smart Objects
Application Competition
In the near future many parts of our environment will include a plethora
of sensor nodes - very small, inexpensive computers equipped with
devices for sensing or receiving information about the physical world in
which they are located and performing simple actions. Sensor nodes
communicate with each other and with other computers by wireless
networking. Nodes that interact to perform more complex tasks
cooperatively in a manner that has a real effect are called cooperating
For example, cars may detect the presence of other vehicles or
pedestrians and transmit information about their presence to other
nearby cars which may slow down when children are present, or when there
is a lot of traffic ahead.
Sensor nodes have many intriguing possibilities and benefits for the way
we live. Of course there will be some technical limitations, but in 10
years time they will be much less than today.
Let your imagination soar and enter the 'Sentient Future Competition'.
Envision a scenario for the use of wireless sensor networks or
cooperating objects 10 years from now. Your scenario can be relevant
to any area of human activity - social, business or personal - in any
setting - the home, office, factory, travel, sport, natural environment,
Contributions will be evaluated by a committee during the summer
school. The two best contributions will be awarded with Apple
Contact: Marcelo Pias, Univ. of Cambridge