Small logo of ETH main building ETH Zurich : Computer Science : Pervasive Computing : Distributed Systems : Education : UI WS2001/02

Ubiquitäre Information

Prof. Dr. G. Alonso
Prof. Dr. F. Mattern
Prof. Dr. H.-J.Schek
Doktorandenseminar WS 2001/2002

Zeit und Ort:

Mittwoch 17-19, IFW C42


1 21.11.2001 -
2 28.11.2001 Mobile Transactions and Synchronization Can Türker
3 05.12.2001 Auto-ID (elektr. Produktcodes, Infrastruktur) C. Flörkemeier, T. Schoch
4 12.12.2001 Ad-Hoc Networking, Sensor Networks, Algorithmen K. Römer
5 19.12.2001 Epidemic Protocols
6 09.01.2002 Web Services (SOAP, XML, UDDI, WSDL)
7 16.01.2002 .NET-Technologie
8 23.01.2002 Reliability - from Distributed Systems to Ubicomp J. Bohn
9 30.01.2002 Contextual Adaptation A. Popovici
10 06.02.2002 Ubicomp's impact on other sciences V. Coroama
Ubiquitous Computing Criticism M. Rohs
ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated June 20 2023 01:45:12 PM MET sd