ETH Zürich

Department of Computer Science
Distributed Systems Group

Fachseminar Ubiquitous Computing SS2000:

Orts-, Kontext-, und Situationsbezogenheit; Ortslokalisierung
Felix Röthenbacher


As we touched the topic of context awareness in the talk about sensors last week, I want to give you a deeper insight what context is about.

I will give you a short introduction what context may be followed by some applications where context is a vital part of. Then we will plunge into a field of context which is a central aspect of nowadays research projects: location. I will show you indoor and outdoor solutions to get location information. Further, we will talk about architecture of current and future context aware systems. By the means of a concrete feasability study I will show you the way of context processing starting at the sensor level up to the application. Eventually, we will discuss the "controversial" terms privacy and security.

A short table of contents:

Written notes: [.pdf]

Last modified: Thu May 18 19:11:10 MET DST 2000 ml