Small logo of ETH main building ETH Zurich : Computer Science : Pervasive Computing : Distributed Systems : Education : SSS FS2018

Smart Systems Seminar FS2018

Various topics from Ubiquitous Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Robotics and Digital Fabrication

Prof. Dr. Otmar Hilliges
Prof. Dr. Stelian Coros
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Mattern

Topic assignment

The seminar is complete and will no longer accept any new registrations.

Time and Place

Tuesdays, 11:15 - 13:00, Room CAB G 52


The goal of the seminar is not only to familiarize students with exciting new research topics, but also to teach basic scientific writing and oral presentation skills.


The seminar consists of talks given by students on selected topics and discussions led by the instructors. A maximum of 12 students will be admitted to the seminar. Priority will be given to Master students who have sufficient background knowledge in the topic but the seminar is generally open to Bachelor and Doctoral students as well.

Seminar attendees select a specific topic within the broader context of current research and prepare an oral presentation. As a starting point, the students are assigned 3-4 important papers in their topic but they have to collect complementary materials and compile them together. Oral presentations must be planned for 45 minutes. Each presentation will be followed by a technical discussion as well as a short feedback session on the quality/style of the presentation. Each student also has to write a short essay on the selected topic. Essays must be composed using a given template and must be of length 5-8 pages (including figures, tables, and references). The essay is due in 3 weeks after the presentation. The quality of this essay will be evaluated and considered for the final grade.

It is not sufficient to present the selected papers only, the students should do independent literature research and in their presentations and essays they should summarize the whole topic.

Each student will have a tutor (typically a research assistant from the Advanced Interactive Technologies Group, the Distributed Systems Group, or the Computational Robotics Lab) assigned with whom they can discuss their papers in detail and receive preliminary feedback on their presentation and their essay.

The seminar will be held in English. Presentations and reports must be in English. Attendees are required to participate in all sessions.


Please use the following templates for your presentation and for your report.


The final grade is based on:
  • the quality of the presentation;
  • the quality of the essay;
  • participation in discussions and feedback sessions after each presentation.
Students who successfully complete the seminar will be awarded 2 credit points (ECTS).


# Date Topic Speaker(s) Supervisor Materials
  I.   24.01.2018 Introduction/Pre-assignment of topics  Friedemann Mattern  How to give a seminar talk
  II.   20.02.2018 Introduction to the Seminar:
How to Give a Talk
- - -
  1.   27.02.2018 Sharing Experiences in Augmented and Virtual Reality Environments Nicole Thurnherr Jing Yang -
  2.   06.03.2018 Wearables in Healthcare and Wellbeing Sinan Demirci Liliana Barrios -
  3.   13.03.2018 Human Pose Estimation in the Wild Valentin Venzin Jie Song -
  5.   20.03.2018 Eye Gaze and Intelligent User Interfaces Romina Som Mihai Bâce -
  12.   27.03.2018 Soft Robot Modeling and Control Fabian Ulbricht James Bern -
03.04.2018 Easter Holidays - No seminar - - -
  6.   10.04.2018 Reinforcement Learning for Discrete Problems Luca Stalder Benjamin Hepp -
  7.   17.04.2018 Policy Search Methods Jesse Provost Stefan Stevsic -
  8.   24.04.2018 Human Motion Prediction Keheng Mao Manuel Kaufmann -
01.05.2018 Labour day - No seminar - - -
  9.   08.05.2018 Fast Visual Object Detection - Vincent Becker -
  10.   15.05.2018 Sensing in soft robots: methods, systems and implementations - Nitish Kumar -
  11.   22.05.2018 Learning Approaches for Physically Based Environments - Vittorio Megaro -
  12.   29.05.2018 Dexterous Object Manipulation using Robots - Simon Zimmermann -


The list of topics is provided below.


For further information please contact Mihai Bâce.

ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated June 20 2023 01:45:04 PM MET hs