/** * Informatik II - FS2009
* Uebungsserie 2, Aufgabe 2
* Template for SortArray.java
* * @author Philipp Bolliger */ public class SortArray { //int-Array (10 elements) int[] a = new int[10]; /** * insert comments here */ void initialize() { System.out.println("Implement here: initialization"); } /** * insert comments here */ void print() { System.out.println("Implement here: print method"); } /** * insert comments here */ void sort(int i) { System.out.println("Implement here: sorting method"); } /** * insert comments here */ public static void main(String[] args) { // An instance of the class SortArray need to be created // to access class' Methods SortArray s = new SortArray(); // Call to method methodName with s. // Initialize: s.initialize(); System.out.println("Array not sorted:"); // Output, not sorted: s.print(); // Sorting (Which parameter as input???) s.sort(99999); System.out.println("Array sorted:"); // Output, sorted: s.print(); } }